Our Mission
SheltAfrica exists to support young street-dwellers with practical help and life coaching to improve their lives.
Our Vision
To be a major charity organization that provides a haven of personal transformation for deprived, under-privileged and displaced street-dwellers.
What We do
We Provide Medical Care
Street dwellers contract all kinds of sickness. With sponsorship from Barnor Hospital, Lartebiokorshie, Accra, we provide free medical care.
We Help Drug Addicts to Overcome Addition
In collaboration with Chosen Rehab Centre (
www.chosenrehabcenter.org) where drug addicts are rehabilitated free of charge we are able to help victims overcome their addiction.
We Sponsor Education
There is an alarming number of children born and raised in the drug infested and squalid areas within inner city Accra by homeless and often drug addicted parents. With most of these parents often young and unemployed, begging for alms to feed themselves, many of these children have doomed lifestyles before they reach their teens. Often they are also drug addicted – passed on by their parents. When we find such children whose parents would consent to them going to school we pay for their education and we get involved with the school authorities to ensure their welfare.
We Provide Opportunity for Work
We recommend our unemployed beneficiaries to companies for employments.
We provide wholesale service to our beneficiaries. They are able to obtain stock for retailing on sale or retail basis, without cash upfront. This is to help them to build up their own capital from level zero, to invest in a business of their choice when they are ready. We offer them basic trade management skills to help them along the way.
We have plans to create businesses that can employ our beneficiaries and in due time offer them franchise arrangement to run the same kind of business as their own.
Temporary Sleeping Place
Central to our mission is to provide reasonably decent temporary sleeping place for our beneficiaries. This would be fashioned like a dormitory where people can have a wash and spend the night. Those who would be offered this facility would sign up to our six - twelve month transformation program aimed at helping them to reintegrate back into society in a normal way (with a job and a proper place of permanent abode).
Weekly Fellowship Meetings
Currently we commit to meeting our beneficiaries at least once a week. At our weekly meetings we teach life skills from biblical perspectives. We also pray. We share updates on current programs. Importantly, we do a one-on-one follow- ups with members where necessary to continue with our care for individual needs.
We Provide 'Pocket Money'
For our beneficiaries that are too physically weak to fend for themselves we give money towards their weekly upkeep.
Special Occasions
At occasions such as Christmas we organize a party for our beneficiaries. At this event we create a time of celebration for our beneficiaries and their invitees.
SheltAfrica was founded by Seyram Akotey and Samuel Amanor. The charity is managed by a team of volunteers. Our work is currently funded by founders and a handful of like-minded people. Currently about 90% of all donations go directly to helping of beneficiaries.